Property Insurance
Spriggs Insurance Brokers Limited can offer you a variety of packages to insure your home, condominium or rental property. Whether you're looking for basic coverage or comprehensive, our brokers can find a package to suit your needs.
Please browse through the reference material we have put together for you or send us your information for a quote. Click on any of the following headings to jump directly to that section.

1. Flooding Coverage
Natural disasters are a significant problem for many regions of Ontario, and the frequency of occurrences is increasing year over year. Your home is where you raise your family, where you dream, where you build your lives. As customers and homeowners, you need to feel that your home is protected and that if something happens, your insurance policy will get you back on track.
Every Policy is different. It is important that you know what your insurance covers.
Flood coverage is optional and typically covers specific types of water damage, such as the overflow of lakes, ponds or rivers; surface water from heavy rainfall or melting snow; and groundwater or the rising of the water table, causing water to enter a home at the ground level or by seeping through windows, doors and walls. Homeowners are encouraged to reach out to the insurance representative with any questions about their policy.
Damage to vehicles from wind or water may be covered if you purchased the option coverage (comprehensive and/or collision) as part of your policy. Check with your insurance rep to see what coverage you have.
Water damage in a basement due to sewer backup is only covered if you have purchased specific, optional sewer backup coverage.
The contents of your refrigerator and freezer may be covered for damage related to food spoilage caused by an accidental power interruption. Typically, in this situation, your fridge, freezer and their contents are insured for a specified amount. Check your policy.
In certain circumstances, homeowners who are unable to stay in their homes because of insured damage may be entitled to additional living expenses. Check with your insurance representative to find out what your policy covers.
There are steps you can take to help reduce your risk, especially is areas that have restricted or no coverage.
Avoid keeping valuable items in the basement.
Don’t pour fats, oils and grease down your drains
Raise large appliances, furnaces, hot water heaters, electrical panels and oil tanks above any anticipated flood levels.
Use water-resistant building materials below ground level.
Install a sump pump with a battery backup.
Install a backwater valve as recommended by your municipality.
Reduce home water use during and immediately after heavy rainfalls.
Install flood shields or barriers for basement windows and doors that extend above ground level.
Ensure proper lot grading.
Landscape with plants that resist soil erosion.
Keep water out of the window well and snow away from the foundation.
Clean and maintain downspouts and eavestroughs at least once a year.
Keep any nearby city storm drains free of leaves and other debris.
Ensure downspouts are extended at least six feet from your basement wall and drain water away from your home and neighbouring properties.
Install a flood alarm system.

2. Home Inventory Schedule
Keeping track of your household items not only helps to determine how much insurance you should have on the contents, it also helps things go more smoothly should a loss occur.
Download our home inventory schedule; it should assist you in tracking your household goods.

3. Home Maintenance Schedule
Keeping your home in good repair helps minimize the chances of a loss. Our downloadable home maintenance schedule details useful maintenance tasks that should be done, along with guidelines as to how frequently they should be performed.

4. Home Safety Tips
Here are a few home safety tips that might help to prevent future losses.
As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is equal to a pound of cure.
Combustible materials and flames don't mix. When working in the basement with paint, paint strippers, varnishes, and other combustibles, turn off the pilot lights inside both the furnace and the water heater. Certain fumes will result in a fire or explosion when they make contact with a flame. Don't take a cigarette break anywhere near the fumes – it could be your last.
Propane has a very distinctive odour associated with boiled cabbage or rotten eggs. The smell is designed to help you detect leaks. In case of a leak: turn off the cylinder valve, evacuate the immediate area and eliminate all sources of ignition. This includes extinguishing open flames and not turning light switches on or off. Let the area ventilate for a few minutes and then look for the leak with soap and water or call a qualified service person. Store propane tanks upright and outdoors.
If you own a backyard pool, a fence is essential for safety. You don't want anyone wandering onto your property and taking a dip or falling in. When a responsible adult is not around to supervise, secure the gate with a childproof lock. Consider investing in a cordless phone to keep by the pool in case of an emergency.
Spring cleaning often involves sweeping the fireplace you have used all winter. Blocked and improperly vented chimneys can lead to carbon monoxide build-up and force deadly gases into your home. A poorly vented chimney can also cause fires. A professional inspection may alert you to trouble spots before they turn into potential hazards. Have your chimney checked on a regular basis.
Rags that have absorbed oil, paint, glue and other chemicals, fuels or solvents are extremely flammable. In fact, they can sometimes burst into flames spontaneously. To prevent this, store soiled rags outdoors in a closed metal container. Better yet, properly dispose of them promptly on garbage day. Never keep these rags indoors.
Squirrels, raccoons and mice - oh my! Don't let them turn your attic into their home during the winter. These furry creatures can chew through the protective covering on electrical wiring and create a fire hazard. Critters may also pack down your home insulation and cause heat loss. If you've got guests of the peltry persuasion, call an electrician to inspect your wiring and then call the local humane society for tips on eviction.
During the holiday season, nothing brightens up a home like a Christmas tree or outdoor lights. As with any electrical item, lights have the potential to be hazardous to your home. Examine light strings carefully before reusing them each year. Discard those with frayed cords, cracks in the lamp holder or loose connections. Check that bulb reflectors are the right size for the light string and that there is insulation between the lamp and the metal part of the reflector.
Never store or use gasoline in the home. Gasoline is a motor fuel only. Keep small quantities in an approved container designed to store gasoline, and store outside, preferably in a locked, detached shed. Wipe up spills immediately and never refuel motors near heat sources, sparks or cigarettes.
Never smoke in bed or in a place where you may fall asleep. Use deep ashtrays so a lit cigarette won't roll out and fall onto rugs or furniture. Ensure all hot embers in an ashtray are extinguished before emptying it into the trash. And, always keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.
Spriggs Insurance Brokers Limited serves all of Ontario, in particular the following areas:
In the Hamilton area:
- Hamilton
- Stoney Creek
- Ancaster
- Waterdown
In the Oakville area:
Georgetown and surrounding area
Angus and surrounding area
Stayner and surrounding area